Monday, December 17, 2007

Washington Court Approves Class Action Settlement for Auto Glass Workers

In Seattle last week, Judge Bruce Hilyer approved a class action settlement for auto glass workers who claimed to suffer vibration injuries from use of the Chicago Pneumatic CP 838. The case is Boos v. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., State of Washington, King County Superior Court Case No. 02-2-16730-6SEA.

Disclosure: The author of this blog served as lead counsel for the class, and Paul & Sugerman has been involved in auto glass workers' product liability claims against Chicago Pneumatic since 1995.

In Washington, approximately 120 workers made claims and will receive compensation in the Boos settlement. In earlier cases in Oregon, approximately 75 workers made claims and received compensation for vibration injuries. It's been a long fight, and some good has come out of it.

Success in the case would have been impossible without a great team, and I close by acknowledging and thanking the rest of the team who made the case a success: Eric Boos and Jim Rasmussen, the two class representatives, and my colleagues in the trenches, Steve Sitcov, Candice Rutter, Rick Klingbeil and Bernie Jolles.

David F. Sugerman
Paul & Sugerman, PC

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