Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Magic Pants Guy Faces Ethics Complaint

The Washington DC lawyer suing the drycleaner for $65 million faces an ethics complaint filed by the American Association of Justice. AAJ, the national association of trial lawyers committed to civil justice, filed the complaint this week, asking the Washington DC bar to look at this outrageous behavior.

And while there's no telling about the specifics, it appears that the Magic Pants guy is something of a frequent flier. News reports indicate that this isn't his first time. In divorce proceedings, a court apparently awarded legal fees against him for taking unreasonable positions in litigation.

All of this is provides a nice window into the civil justice system. It works because there are systems in place that come down hard on the few who abuse it.

That's a nice thing.

David F. Sugerman
Paul & Sugerman, PC

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